
I must be the shizz

If you click on the photo you will be taken to a magical land called etsy, and its Treasury. Etsy Treasury is a wonderful place where an etsy lover can showcase all the things he or she loves more than words can say. And guess what I'm in it again....and the inspiration for Miss bellavioletta.

This has just made my day! Along with the wonderfully funny e-mails from my sister-in-law, Staci.


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhh that is soooooooooooooo COOL!!!! CONGRATS! :):):):):):):)

Staci said...

You are the shizzzzzzzzzzzz....way cool girl!!!

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

Congrats, Heather...that's pretty cool.

Jenners said...

You are the shiz!! I totally love this! You are doing such great stuff. I would totally buy something like this if I had more discretionary income!

Unknown said...

That's very cool. What an honor!