
Friday Fill-Ins


ffi we go!

1. Apparently there's some sort of _big weekend get away for me!___

2. _I feel so much better on a____ sunny day.

3. 2009 _has been fairly normal ___ so far.

4. _All I wanted today was a day with Simon,____ that was it.

5. For too long I've been _living in a state that is cold and nasty____.

6. I am not obsessed with _the internet____; I am not!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _enjoying some fun time @ Daytona Beach with my Mom, Step-Dad and sister____, tomorrow my plans include _more of the same____ and Sunday, I want to _do more of the same fun stuff____!


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy have an AMAZING WEEKEND! :):):):):):):):):):)

Staci said...

have a great time girl!! and soak up some sun for me!! :)

Alex said...

LIAR! you are too obsessed with the internet!

latree said...

hm... I think I agree with Alex ;)