I love food. In high school I could eat whatever I wanted, and however much of it I wanted, and people still said I was too skinny. Not so much anymore.
But....most importantly food is slowly harming me. I'm over weight, out of shape, tired all the time and just feel blah. A few weeks back I went to visit our family doctor for a physical. It had been since 2007 that I had last been to see her.
After having a blood analysis we found out that my cholesterol is very high. My LDL (bad cholesterol) is high, my HDL (good cholesterol) is okay. I have improved somewhat, sheerly by luck, in the past 4 years but not enough. If I was 55 I would be on a statin no questions asked. But I'm not 55. I'm still young. So I have until January to get my ass act in gear.
So my family has gone on a diet with me. Not so much a diet as a health kick. Lots of veggies. Lots of fruits. Lots of water. No pop (except for dad...gotta have his Mt Dew). Less sugar.I've done pretty well. I've made up a little calorie tracker. We walk more, either to the playground or into town to run errands. So I'm getting there.

But then nights like tonight, I just get the munchies. I try to reach for an apple or banana to help satisfy my sweet tooth, but sometimes it's just not enough. I've got to fix that.
While we were planning our menu for the trip to the grocery store this past weekend Joey came across a website for Moms Who Think... definitely he was thinking of me when he was
googling....but they have week's worth of healthy recipes. And they are easy to make. Tonight we had Alex's choice, Sweet and Sour Chicken, Steamed Broccoli and White Rice. We all picked out a recipe we thought sounded good, and have had 2 of them so far this week. And they have all been good. And easy!
Simon gagged at the thought of eating all the veggies so he ended up with a hot dog, but he has been trying new things along the way too. And he asks for milk or water to drink.
So as I journey through this quest to lower my cholesterol I'm sure I'll be posting more about our meals and "fun" things I can come up with for exercise. It really is amazing how much junk we were putting in our bodies. Not anymore. We are a healthier family now.
Good for you! Do it now before it gets out of control - take it form someone who knows! I have some healthier sweet-tooth fixers that I can share with you. One is so easy and versatile:
cake mix
soup can sized can of pumpkin
a little water if needed
Stir until all cake mix is moistened and bake for exactly 20 minutes in a pre-heated 350º oven.
I keep it in the fridge and dollop a little low-fat Cool-Whip on top of it. I cut the 13 x 9 pan into 12 squares. It is yummy!
Lately I have been using an orange cake mix. If you really want to doll it up, mix sugar free cheesecake pudding mix into 1-2 cups of vanilla Greek yogurt and plop some of that on top. It is sinful!
Keep up the good work! You have inspired me!
Good for you girl! :):):):):):):):):):):)
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